Men's Ministry

"But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds."  Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds."

James 2:18

Upcoming Events

MEN'S Deep Sea Fishing Trip 

  Click Here

Breakfast and Workday

The first Saturday of every month all Men are invited to meet at the Fellowship Hall for a hearty breakfast (eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits, gravy, coffee, orange juice, and milk).  After a time of fellowship and prayer we break up into groups and do some minor repairs around the church or we assist with repairs around the community.

Men's Fellowship Events

Waiting for the Burgers

Championship Round Shoot-off

Eating and Loading Ammo

Round one of the Shooting Course

Men's Study Series

Kingdom Men Rising

There are 2 sessions available to participate in:

Tuesdays- 6:00 pm-7:00 pm

Sundays- 6:00 pm- 7:00 pm 

For more information and to check session availability please call the church office: 361-645-3126. 

Completed Series 

Finished Series are available for check out if you miss a series and want to catch up.

A Man and His Design

There are so many voices out there that are telling you what it means to be a man. Discover God’s design for men with a clear definition and inspiring vision of Authentic Manhood.

These six sessions include:

-1- Manhood Realities

-2- Create and Cultivate

-3- Manhood Definition

-4- King/Warrior

-5- Lover/Friend

-6- Seasons

A Man and His Story

Understand how your past shapes who you are today. Understand your past and enjoy God’s best for your future.

These six sessions include:

-1- Looking Back

-2- Dad

-3- Mom

-4- Healing

-5- All-Alone

-6- Heart

A Man and His Traps

Identify the deep idols of your heart and develop a “Battleplan” built on God’s grace.

These six sessions include:

-1- Idols

-2- Empty Promises

-3- Battle Plan

-4- XXX

-5- Control

-6- Significance & Comfort


A Man and His Work

An inspiring vision of work from God’s bigger perspective.

These six sessions include:

-1- Tension

-2- Blueprint

-3- Courage

-4- Essentials

-5- Traps

-6- Catalyzers